Build the Phrase - Hard
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Build the Phrase works like 'Find the Phrase' but involves finding multiple sounds and adding or taking them away from one another to complete the Phrase. Sounds can be whole words, syllables or just letters. Phrases can be a word, a saying and everything in the middle.
Try 'Build the Phrase - Easy' before attempting these more challenging puzzles.

Third Image: Another word for by yourself
Bar + sea + lone + (apple - pull) ≈ Barcelona
Phrase Information: Barcelona city is home to FC Barcelona
Football club and has a population of 1.6 million

Third Image: This man has many ...
Ass + sum + (options - o) ≈ Assumptions
Definition: A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

First image: If you see this colour you would...
Second image: A Doctor Who monster
Fourth image: Another word for jump
(Go + ood) + (asleep - leap) + gold ≈ Good as gold
Definition: Extremely well behaved

Fourth Image: A 3 letter word for a type of beer
(Face - ace) + ox + (tape - ape) + ale ≈ Foxtail
Definition: A spikelet or cluster of grass, that serves to disperse its seeds as a unit