Build the Phrase - Hard
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Build the Phrase works like 'Find the Phrase' but involves finding multiple sounds and adding or taking them away from one another to complete the Phrase. Sounds can be whole words, syllables or just letters. Phrases can be a word, a saying and everything in the middle.
Try 'Build the Phrase - Easy' before attempting these more challenging puzzles.

First sound: The man is having a _ _ _ _ _
(Drink - rink) + rag + Race = Drag Race
Definition: A straight line race between two vehicles, most commonly over ¼ mile

First sound, second image: Even less done than blue
(Draw - raw) + ark + Horse = Dark Horse
Definition: Something little is known about but it unexpectedly succeeds

Second sound: The first man is _ _ _ _, now take away the sound from the bottom man who is _ _ _.
Bell + (cold - old) + knee ≈ Balcony
Definition: A platform projecting from the wall of a building

Second Image: To calm down you may relaxingly _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Third image: A soft French cheese.
Tie + (breathe - brie) + knot ≈ Tie the knot
Definition: To Get married.